Monday, March 27, 2006

Sorry for the lack of posting.
Currently on spring break.
More to come shortly.

Friday, March 17, 2006

If you're not interested in academics, the following might be fairly boring, but if you are, please continue.

So i went to see another grad student present his paper, and a couple of the profs who were there were debating whether he should use less technical language in order to attract a larger audience. I feel in general that a lot of academics (and social science in particular, as that's what I'm familiar with) unnecessarily uses jargon. I understand if certain words have specific meanings within a discipline and therefore it makes sense to use them, but it seems that a lot of the time the terminology actually obscures the meaning. Like when political science papers talk about 'institutions', what does that mean? there are many examples like that, i feel, when the meaning ofthe term is abstracted away, and often its not clear in a specific instance or paper what specifically they mean. (BTW, this isn't a critic on the specific paper from today, as the author explained what he meant and the limits of his measures and whatnot, just a general peeve that I was reminded of). Especially as someone who is not familiar with a lot of the literature, I feel that a good chunk of my time is taken up just trying to figure out what these people are talking about when they use terms that don't have an obvious meaning (or have many meanings) for the average person. I probably do it too when i write, but i hope not.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Given my apparent failure in the attempting to date department as of late :), I think I may take a break from girls for a while. At least as far as actively pursuing anyone or seeking someone to pursue. Don't know how long it will last, but for the time being...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

So CF last night was really good. Among other things, it confirmed that Radiohead was right. "God loves His children" (Bonus points for anyone who knows which song that's from).

So concerning the thing w/ the person, I kinda have the impression that either she's not interested and is hoping that ignoring it will cause it to go away, or she doesn't realize what's going on. Either, however, doesn't bode particularly well. Alas.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hi all.
So I am good in general. a bit tired still (or again) but good.
Concerning the situation, I got a smal glimmer of hope today, but i still don't know how it will turn out. If only I could figure out what the other party was thinking :)
I have some pretty great friends. That's kind of awesome isn't it.

Thank you God. You're very good to me.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Wondering if I should be feeling a bit unloved (not in general, but from a particular individual). Alas,

Friday, March 03, 2006

Didn't sleep in the gov building last night :)
Still waiting on...
I'm not sure how to interpret the lack of response. Maybe its just a busy time. Still...a bit discouraging, I do admit. I guess its largely out of my hands now though.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

tired. slept in the gov building again last night. why do i do this to myself, I ask in my head. why am i asking myself questions so formally, i ask in reply. So i can blog about them, I respond, still internally. You are such a dork, I respond to my response.