Tuesday, September 19, 2006

First day of school! (well first day for me, as i don't have any Monday classes-score!).

And one of my most favoritest people in the world should be back in town today :)

Friday, September 15, 2006

So hears a rundown/update on my life:

Got to see my brothers before i left MD. That was really cool. The oldest seems to have picked up a talent for picking up women that i did not inherit, as evidenced by his interactions with the waitress at the restaurant we were at. Not that I would be picking up random people left and right if i had the ability, but it is still interesting to see.

I'm gonna be an uncle! (courtesy of the other brother).

New apartment is nice. My room is messy, partially bc its small and i haven't figured out where to put everything yet (and mainly bc i m messy), but the rest of the place is sweet. and i get cheap rent for having the small room.

My new roommate is unbelievably handy, which i may have mentioned before. And he doesn't even think its a big deal that he's building all these really cool things for the place.

Lost one Weld 12 freshman year roommate to Columbia (though he visited last weekend and will again today, so i may end up seeing him as much as i did when he was in town :)) and another to Philly, but regained a third, the cool KK (no jokes please), who i'm living with again as he starts the History program.

Most of my friends from grad school seem to be back in town, though my closest friend from the program is not coming up until next week (miss you, in case you're reading) and i havent yet seen another though she and I (Ms. J.L.) are suppose to get together today.

So yeah thats most of the new stuff in my life. not too shabby (as a fellow grad student told me once, "sufficiently shabby")

Thursday, September 14, 2006

ok so not quite as advanced on either the paper or my comparative politics class as i wanted to be, but oh well. still doable.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yay! friends are back in town! (well not all of them yet, but several). Happiness. So makes up for the fact that my foot has been hurting for over a week (and all i did was a little extra walking in DC-what gives, i wonder)

Monday, September 11, 2006

The class of '04 rocks! (as does their significant others-not leaving you out C.I. You probably don't read my blog anyway though, but J might). Went out w/ some old roommates (actual and honorary) on Saturday night, and some HRCF/Soulfood folk last night. Good times were had all around.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gettiing the apartment in order AND getting inspiration (thank God-no really, I am giving Him credit for any breakthroughs coming my way) for my paper. Not too shabby start to this new school year.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

so i think i've done more today than ive done in a single day in a long time (and its not even 4pm yet). took the redeye train from dc to boston, signed my lease, got my stuff moved in, got stung in the big toe by a wasp (or yellowjacket or some such creature-not particularly fun, with the stinging then the aching then the PAIN and the hurting and the why why, glavin).

(imaginary gold star to anyone who recognized that impression).
Back in Cambridge! (or maybe Somerville. either way, in the area).

Friday, September 01, 2006

Getting hurricane rains. perhaps this will keep me in and let me continue actually working on my paper.

Haven't gotten any comments on the blog recently :(