Sunday, October 22, 2006

So i have another ambiguous I dont intend for it to be a date and don't think she thinks it is but i'm not quite sure thing coming up tomorrow.

And if you've been wondering why i haven't been blogging, which i don't think you were, i blame it on (laziness and) an insanely busy workload. at least i have my girlfriend. oh wait, she's not...nevermind :)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

ok so i know i haven't been keeping up with this recently. School and whatnot has been keeping me really busy (have 800 or more pages of material to read each week plus other things to do). So school is what's occupying most of my time. It's also getting cold, which is expected but not welcomed :)

Also today or yesterday i had a mini revelation that when I pray/worship i kind of take a tone of tallking at God (i.e. treating Him as if He were far away and i was sending a message off to Him) instead of talking to Him (as if He were right there, which of course He is). Just wanted to share that