Sunday, October 30, 2005

it got like 30 degrees warmer since yesterday :)

Sure I'm inside studying for a midterm, but still, it makes me happy.

(btw, was in major "I Need a Girl" mode this morning, but I'm better now)

(btw, I don't like that song [or its remixes], however relatable the sentiment is. you may still like it if you choose to.)
That was a good extra hour. I hope I get another one next year.

Wait, I have to give this one back in the spring. :(

Friday, October 28, 2005

Got some major cramming to do in the next couple of days. Drop me a line if you happen to be reading this.

(ok, so I know this sounds like an away message and not a blog post, but i figured i should write something to keep you reading)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'm ok with not succeeding with everything (everything=microeconomics). Seriously though, I've realized that, in the grand scheme of life, its not that important.
Am I a bad friend? I feel like I take more than I give in a lot of my relationships, and I've been kinda dropping the ball some with one friend in particular.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I am tired. Oh well, I still have figurative miles to go before I sleep.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Preface: My life is actually pretty good. The following complaints are all very minor in the grand scheme of things and in large part resulting rom my current tiredness (which is also not a big deal but tends to make me more sentimental/moody than usual)

Arg. I'm stuck in my usual "do i really like her?", "would she like me?" "should I tell her I like her?" "no, it's too soon", "how do I get to spend more time with her?" "do i still like this other person instead?" "why can't I just get over this other person-I know nothing will/should happen between us anyway" "can I still try to be better friends with her without causing myself to continue harboring these feelings?" etc. mode.

Exciting, ain't it
(and on top of it all I have a ton of work I need to do and very little motivation to do it, not to mention very little understanding of what I'm supposed to be doing anyway).

Thursday, October 20, 2005

for some reason i really felt like I needed a hug yesterday (partially because I was tired) but did not come across any :(
Less hug needing today (though one would still be nice).

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

When you don't have enough time to do things, you're like "if only I had more time, I could get this done", but when you do have more time, you're like "I don't want to do this now." go fig.

Monday, October 17, 2005

After two or three horrible weeks of microeconomics, I was actually happy when the class shifted to probability. This I, kinda, understand.

Also, it was not freezing today, filling me with happiness. Tired happiness (I should really start sleeping more).

Sunday, October 16, 2005

So the second year gov grad students threw a party for the first years. It was cool-got to meet a few 2nd years, talk with some fellow first years who I may or may not have interacted with much in the last few weeks, and generally have a good time.

Earlier that day, the roommates of one of the first years had a breakfast pancake party, which was very good from both a "wow, these are a lot of pancakes and they are really good" sense and a "hey, I like hanging with you guys" sense. So yesterday was a good day.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Microeconomics-why did it have to be microeconomics

So I'm pretty sure I'm averaging significantly less sleep than I should be. Perhaps I should remedy that sometime.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Pray for all those who have been killed, injured, impoverished, or otherwise hurt by the earthquake in Asia or by Hurricane Stan (or by any of the other disasters of late).

Don't just pray though-help them in whatever way you can.

Friday, October 07, 2005

After kinda bombing on schoolwork (especially microeconomics), I'm once again CAUTIOUSLY optimistic about actually being able to understand the material for my classes. Though I don't fully understand what I'm basing this assessment on.

Also having a few of my usual girl issues-you know how it goes.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

In other news, I’ve been once again snubbed by the Nobel Prize committee (or whoever actually makes those decisions).
So I pulled my first all nighter of the year. That’s probably bad bc: 1. its only week 2, and I don’t want to get in the habit of doing that. 2. I still didn’t get all the answers to the problem set, and the ones I did write down are mostly just made up. 3. The set isn’t even graded, so I’m not sure why I cared so much, except that I wanted to learn the material well, but 4. I still don’t understand it. Sigh

It did facilitate a cool thing in class this morning. I was trying to take notes but drifting off every few minutes, only I’d do so while writing. So when I’d go back and read what I wrote, it would start off as the real material and then drift into whatever thought came in my mind as I started to doze-very stream of conscious style.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

So I'm getting back into "thesis mode" with my sleep patterns (which baasically means cutting my amount of sleep by some large percent). That can't be healthy in the long run-i'lll have to learn "time management" as the kids say.

I also don't understand the stuff I'm supposed to be doing for my classes, but that's a different (though related) story.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

DJ Afro Thunder is Back! And by that, I mean that I got to do a show on WHRB tonight(
Saturday). It felt good to be back on the radio again. Don't know if anyone listened besides the 3-4 people I told that I was gonna be onair, but still, good times.
Ok, i'm all rested up. Time to get crackin.