Friday, October 21, 2005

Preface: My life is actually pretty good. The following complaints are all very minor in the grand scheme of things and in large part resulting rom my current tiredness (which is also not a big deal but tends to make me more sentimental/moody than usual)

Arg. I'm stuck in my usual "do i really like her?", "would she like me?" "should I tell her I like her?" "no, it's too soon", "how do I get to spend more time with her?" "do i still like this other person instead?" "why can't I just get over this other person-I know nothing will/should happen between us anyway" "can I still try to be better friends with her without causing myself to continue harboring these feelings?" etc. mode.

Exciting, ain't it
(and on top of it all I have a ton of work I need to do and very little motivation to do it, not to mention very little understanding of what I'm supposed to be doing anyway).

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