Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Finally got around to talking (over IM) to a few people I hadn't talked to in a long time (a college friend and some folks from Kamp). Catching up rocks!

Also, a friend from college is gonna be back in Boston again this fall, which is pretty cool-I'd like to catch up with her, and I feel like we didn't hang out as much as we should have in college.

Plus I get to potentially get in touch with the girl I met in Detroit (no, its nothing more than just a friendly thing. yes, i did manage to actually meet someone in a social setting). Other than the school part itself (which hopefully will be interesting too, despite my disillusionment with political science of a few months ago), going back to school might just be fun.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Wow! i've worked for like 2 days in a row. this paper might be written this year. sweet.

we'll see.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Hmm, i'm starting to miss folks. My friend who was in DC for the summer (who i only went to see once :( ) is leaving after this week, and i don't know many other folks here (i've only seen my younger older brother once and havent seen my dad or oldest brother at all this summer). Granted this is largely bc of my laziness, and that usually i'm fine w just sitting around by myself, esp if i have net access, but sometimes even i like contact. I also havent been talking online as much with the people i usually talk to (though did have one long late night IM convo the other night that was good, like the old days). Have reconnected w/ one old friend after a long time which has been really cool. Looking forward for when folks are back in Cambridge and hopefully can catch up and stuff.
Hmm, i'm starting to miss folks. My friend who was in DC for the summer (who i only went to see once :( ) is leaving after this week, and i don't know many other folks here (i've only seen my younger older brother once and havent seen my dad or oldest brother at all this summer). Granted this is largely bc of my laziness, and that usually i'm fine w just sitting around by myself, esp if i have net access, but sometimes even i like contact. I also havent been talking online as much with the people i usually talk to (though did have one long late night IM convo the other night that was good, like the old days). Have reconnected w/ one old friend after a long time which has been really cool. Looking forward for when folks are back in Cambridge and hopefully can catch up and stuff.
Hmm, i'm starting to miss folks. My friend who was in DC for the summer (who i only went to see once :( ) is leaving after this week, and i don't know many other folks here (i've only seen my younger older brother once and havent seen my dad or oldest brother at all this summer). Granted this is largely bc of my laziness, and that usually i'm fine w just sitting around by myself, esp if i have net access, but sometimes even i like contact. I also havent been talking online as much with the people i usually talk to (though did have one long late night IM convo the other night that was good, like the old days). Have reconnected w/ one old friend after a long time which has been really cool. Looking forward for when folks are back in Cambridge and hopefully can catch up and stuff.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Monday, August 21, 2006

for some reason, going to bed late and waking up (relatively) early makes you tired. who woulda thought?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

So this new Macbook of mine isn't half bad. And its nice and portable, as a laptop should be. Cool. (I still fancy PCs though, but will give credit where credit is due).

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sometimes it feels wrong how quickly things go back to normal after something bad happens.

Friday, August 18, 2006

So is it weird for a guy (me, for example) to be more comfortable with a female doctor than with a man? Not that I was uncomfortable today (part 2 of my checkup-in good health apparently), but just relatively a bit more comfortable with a woman.

Also, dont you just love getting a physical and then stopping at McDonald's for lunch :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Went to the Library of Congress today. They couldn't find what I was looking for, but were nice, and directed me toward where the items might be.

Its hard to think of someone you knew and who was the same age as you as being gone.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Found out this morning that a cool person, who i only got to know briefly, died this past weekend. May she be with God.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I didn't make the sexy list in In Style magazine :(
I checked both C and R and I'm not to be found.

Alicia Keys did however (under "Music Maker"), so its forgiven :)

Monday, August 14, 2006

It works! It works! (my new modem arrived today, and now i have both regular and wireless internet). Plus itunes works now!


Went to the doctor and the dentist today. I should be so healthy now! Also got some good news from my brother.

not too bad, not too bad

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"And if it's real,well I don't want to know"
So somehow calling Verizon tech support (a few times) in order to get my wireless working resulted in me having no internet access at all until sometime this week. :(

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

So I've finally done it. I've crossed over. I bought...a...Mac! They come with a little camera built in (i played w/ jon's sister's mac at their house for a few minutes) and you can do neat things with your picture. and I hear that they're reliable and all that stuff too. Happy Happy joy joy.

Monday, August 07, 2006

so, the other night i actually managed to interact, in a social setting, with girls i had just met. may even meet up with one of them in Boston. note that this is just in a friendly sense, not romantically, but still...

is it wrong to use a dog as a rug? I didn't actually do this, mind you, but i was tempted with jon's dog-he's so fluffy. but i figured that the dog might not appreciate it.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Went out w/ jon to meet up w/ a couple of people he knows in Detroit at like this pool hall type place. It was actually pretty fun. I'm not usually that into the going out and socializing w/ random people, but there were a couple who actually were really cool and we had good conversations (and i did not actually play pool). I also got a free soda :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

YAY! I reconnected with a friend of mine from middle school who i've talked to once in the last 10 or so years. So very excited to be able to talk to her again.
Still in Michigan w/ Jon (he gave me permission to use his name). Very nice house. We've played frisbee (land and water), seen Superman and Lady in the Water (weird movie) and done other fun stuff. More details later.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

In Michigan baby! Flying is cool-like i looked down and saw a football field that looked this big (note: "this" refers to roughly the size of a small coin of some kind). My friend has a very nice house (and spacious, like seriously) in one of those "one of the richest places in the US" places. And...AND, i played frisbee. in a lake. a wet lake.