Thursday, August 23, 2007

"Summer, Summer, Summertime"

Arg, it's almost September! How in the world did my summer fly by so quickly. I did get a couple of things done (a little research, some planning for a black Christian conference in the fall, attending a couple of weddings), but not nearly as much as i wanted to. I've been wondering a bit how cut out I am for this whole grad school thing. I mean i can be pretty productive in spurts, which tend to coincide w/ being within 24 hours of a deadline, but when my backs not against the wall, I'm easily distracted or willing to put it off to later.

Things I didnt get accomplished: learning French, brushing up on math, reading through economic development reading list, more research, writing a paper (though hopefully that will happen), getting a haircut, conquering small nation and ruling with benevolent yet iron fist, and going to the gym.

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