Sunday, October 07, 2007

God Really Moved Today

So at church today, God made His presence felt in a particularly strong way. There was kneeling and shouting and all of that (I currently go to a Pentecostal church), but moreso I just experienced a real sense of God there. I think I often lose track of the fact that, in addition to serving God and loving Him, I'm also supposed to worship Him. True worship can be hard-it takes a total suspension of one's own pride and ego. But when you start to experience who God is and His greatness, you kind of can't help but praise Him and give Him glory-as we sang more than once, He deserves our worship.

I know this might all sound strange to a lot of people, and you might not really care (but you should know that that is always a risk when readig my posts :) ), but I really wanted to jot this down while it was fairly fresh, and I hope that it means somehing to at least one of you. As always, comments welcome should you have any.

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