Thursday, June 30, 2005

So I've been listening to a few tracks from Dr. Dre and Snoop (old Chronic/Doggystyle tracks and some of the new stuff) and I realize that, though they're great musically, lyrically they're kinda representative of all the negative stereotypes of rap music: drugs, violence, misogyny, etc, without a whole lot of content or value.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I miss grunge music. Not that I listened to it when it was out, but I did discover it in college, and now I'm wondering why people cant make such good, nonsensical music nowadays. Instead they have to have "emotions " (some people have been explaining to me what emo is) and poppy catchphrases and whatnot.

Listening to Nirvana.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Yeah I know its been like a week since I've posted. I've kinda lost track of time now. Work is good, can't really elaborate much at the moment. So hot it's been the last couple days, so very hot. Why, oh why? I won't complain too much, as I prefer this to the cold rainy days we had not too long ago. I'm not really sure about whats going on in the outside world, so I don't have much witty social commentary at the moment. I'm gonna try to get back on track with my blog now though.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sort of a continuation of the "friends" post from some days back. Do you ever find yourself attracted to people that you know or are pretty sure are wrong for you. Not that they are necessarily bad people or anything (or maybe they are) but you know that you just couldn't (or shouldn't) workas a couple?

Friday, June 17, 2005

Another sign that I'm growing up, in a good way. So before if I was in charge of setting up a presentation and it got screwed up and I got put on the spot and it took a long time to figure out what was happening and it threw off the schedule, I'd be all mortified and what not, but now I'm just like Oh Well and kinda laugh it off. Sure I'd rather it not happen that way, but I really don't care that much (in a good way) -score! Now if only i had my license...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Will Ferrell is quite amusing. Have watched "Night at the Roxbury" (mildly funny) and "Anchorman" (very funny). The impressive thing is that he's funny in different ways in his different skits/movies.

Why must it be cold, rainy?

Monday, June 13, 2005

"Heeee's the one who likes all our pretty songs and he likes to sing along..."-sorry, listening to Nirvana today.

Will come up with a real post soon.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

So I was once again reminded that I think I've made friends with some girls primarily because I'm attracted to them. Not that they aren't also cool people or whatever - I don't think I would hang around someone who was completely a jerk just because she was good-looking - but I also have the strong impression that I wouldnt be as interested in some people as friends if somewhere in the back of my mind I wasn't interested in them as more than friends, even though in many or most of these cases I have no actual intention of getting with them or trying to do so. And it seems that an attractive face makes their personalities seem more attractive too ,though I have also had the reverse happen (i.e. a really cool or good person seeming more attractive physically as well) . Back to the question at hand though, is it ok to make friendships based consciously or subconsciously on attraction or no, or does it even matter?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

So it was really good being in Cambridge/Somerville/Boston those few days. I got to catch up with several people who i missed last time I was in town (in April, visiting grad school) or just wanted to hang out with more. The Js are always fun. I got to meet the new subletter, who is a nice guy, despite the fact he is now in MY room with the cool gothic lamps :) (you have to see these lamps sometime-they're cool). "Jane" (not her real name), a friend of the Js who is one of our other roommates seems cool-I haven't gotten to interact with her too much yet.

I'm gonna miss the seniors who graduated this year, I hope they (you if you're reading) stay in touch, and I'll try to do likewise.

FYI: I'm at my summer job now, as my previous post mentioned, so I may be posting a little less, but I will try to post every day or two (which would actually be more than what I was doing) so stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hi, i guess I haven't been updating for a few days. I was (an am) out of town. I went up to Boston for a few days and stayed with my old roommates (the Js) and othre folk at our new place in Somerville (or is it Summerville) that we're renting. My room has a subletter for the summer, so I had to sleep on the couch, but he's nice and all so I didn't mind too much. The place is cool-looking forward to the fall.

I got to catch up with some folk while I was there. Hung out with several of the graduating seniors-I'm gonna miss you guys when I come back in the fall. Also saw some folk who will be around when I go back.

now I am back at Camp in maine, where I worked last summer. Most of my actual job hasn't started yet, so I'm just kinda hanging around going over some things, pretty low-key. About 10 or so counselors from last year are here now (they came early to work setting up/fixing up things), but it looks like only about 15 or so people will be returning (not counting admin folk or whatnot)-most of the counselors are new.

anywho, thats the short update-i will probably elaborate on some of this stuff in coming days. stay tuned...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Went to DC today, met up with friend SB (not her real initials). She's someone I met at Yale I think during grad school visit then again at Harvard immediately following (also the person's who's party i did not end up attending, if you've been following this blog). She's cool folk, and we're to be classmates in the fall. We're both interested in Africa related stuff (her more security stuff, me more humanitarian/economic), so naturally we went to the Smithsonian African Art museum (where "went to" means walked around in vain looking for it for 5-10 minutes and getting in the way of middle school tour groups before eventually tracking it down, then accidentally wandered off into other exhibits before finding our way back). Talked about upcoming school, saw cool artifacts and "did you know" info, discussed sketchiness of grad students hanging with undergrads and our upcoming involvement in such activities. Then we walked around the Mall (i.e. the Washington area with all the grass, not a place with stores and a food court with a Cinnabon) and looked at the Capital, until she met up with her friend Tim (not his real name; nice dude, by the way). Got home in time to procrastinate on packing.