Monday, April 18, 2005

It took me a ridiculously long time to figure out how to post my picture.

Anyway, so this is my first post of actual content, so I figure I should say some things about myself. Let's see what else. I'm Christian (Baptist-raised, non-denominationally Protestant in practice), which is very important to me. I genuinely try to live up to Biblical principles (loving God, loving neighbors, with the specifics that come with), but I could still use improvements in some areas-feel free to give me suggestions.

I grew up in Allendale, SC (technically in Martin, SC in Allendale County). I graduated from Allendale-Fairfax High School in 2000 (good old A-F, you may have read about it somewhere. sigh.), and went to Harvard University. I graduated there in 2004 and am going back in fall 2005 to start a Ph.D. program. It's really a fun place (well, it can be), and I'm looking forward to being back, especially since a lot of my friends will still be around.

I like music, especially rap/hip hop, despite having a bunch of issues with the content in much of it. But I find the artistry of (good) rap music so fascinating and dare I say beautiful. (yes, I do dare). I expect to post lots of hip hop related commentary, so I won't elaborate here. I like most other forms of music too, though I haven't really gotten into classical or country yet. I'm a fan of grunge for some reason, though I do realize I'm about 11 years too late for that scene.

I have a weird sense of humor, so if you think something might be a joke, it probably is. Especially if it's a bad joke.

I'm still looking for that special lady, but I figure doing so over blogs is probably not the coolest thing in the world, so I'll stop now.

Ok, that's it for the moment-Comments on any of my posts are highly encouraged (I like the feedback and the knowledge that people are actually reading this thing).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris does have a weird sense of humor. We still like him a lot.