Friday, April 29, 2005

So, living with your mom during your year off isn't all smiles and daffodils. First of all, you have to explain why you're living with your mom by saying it's only for the year (see above) in order to not sound like too much of a loser. Second, you have to be respectful of the living situation and all, which while usually fine can put a cramp in your social style (is that the expression-something like that).

Anyway, so I was invited to this party in DC Saturday night by a nice girl I met during grad school visits who will be going to school w/ me next year (no, it's not like that, she's just a friend). So telling my mom about it, she was emphatic that the area where the party is isn't a good place and that I shouldn't go. She seems to still be a bit upset over that whole robbery thing from a couple summers ago (long story short-i was visiting another friend in DC 2 summers ago, got robbed by a group of guys-no violence or anything, just financial loses, some inconvenience, and a story to tell-"so there were like half a dozen of them, and just me, with my bare hands, fighting them all off at once..." except without the last part, which didn't actually happen ;)).

So I obviously understand her concerns and I have been a lot more cautious with that kind of stuff since the incident. Still, this is probably something that, if I were living on my own, I'd go to, and I could still technically go now if I wanted to I guess, but that would be a bad thing to do to mi madre-she worries enough as it is. Besides, I am getting free room and board; I guess that's worth a party or two.

extra credit to anyone who found the song reference in this post.

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