Thursday, June 02, 2005

Went to DC today, met up with friend SB (not her real initials). She's someone I met at Yale I think during grad school visit then again at Harvard immediately following (also the person's who's party i did not end up attending, if you've been following this blog). She's cool folk, and we're to be classmates in the fall. We're both interested in Africa related stuff (her more security stuff, me more humanitarian/economic), so naturally we went to the Smithsonian African Art museum (where "went to" means walked around in vain looking for it for 5-10 minutes and getting in the way of middle school tour groups before eventually tracking it down, then accidentally wandered off into other exhibits before finding our way back). Talked about upcoming school, saw cool artifacts and "did you know" info, discussed sketchiness of grad students hanging with undergrads and our upcoming involvement in such activities. Then we walked around the Mall (i.e. the Washington area with all the grass, not a place with stores and a food court with a Cinnabon) and looked at the Capital, until she met up with her friend Tim (not his real name; nice dude, by the way). Got home in time to procrastinate on packing.


Anonymous said...

what's with the aliases?

younglazarus12 said...

I'm not sure if it's ok to use people's names without their permission, so just to be on the safe side i'm not.