Wednesday, December 07, 2005

So the condom I inadvertently picked up (see several posts ago) made me think this morning about what I might teach my children about (safe) sex. I don't want to encourage my kids (boys or girls) to have sex outside of marriage, but I also don't agree with the idea that teaching them about safe sex and giving them straight facts (for instance, by not overemphasizing the failure rate of condoms, like some conservatives and/or Christian groups and parents tend to do in order to discourage premarital sex) will just encourage them to have sex, especially if the context in which you discuss these things is right. So I guess my stance is somewhere along the lines of "sex before marriage is bad bc of x,y, and z, but having that sex be unsafe is even worse." Hopefully that will work (or I'll find an approach that does). Given my own principle about not having sex outside of marriage though, I'm unlikely to have to deal much with this issue for some time.

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