Thursday, August 25, 2005

So I really enjoyed camp but I didn't like some of the things it "did" to me. For one, I ended up having to compromise my moral code* in order to finish a project there. I'm kinda disappointed in myself, especially since I had to do the same thing last year and should have known better than to get myself back into that situation.

Also, I felt as though the atmosphere, though good in a lot of ways (and filled with some good people) started to rub off on me in some bad ways. Like my attitude toward girls or like getting annoyed/angry at people and being close (well close for me anyway) to snapping at people and/or using non-Christian language. I also think it might have impaired my relationship with God, between being busy and not going to church a lot or having a lot of time for Bible, prayer, plus the stuff I've already mentioned above.

I liked camp, but didn't completely like the kind of person I was (or was edging closer to being) when I was there, if that makes sense.

*Note-I've been told that stuff like "compromise my moral code" was a bit vague, which I kinda intended it to be. Without being very specific, it was one of those things that many people do and don't have any moral qualms about but that I do not do in my real life. Think Jaywalking, but a bit more serious. As this is still very ambiguous, ask me if you want to know exactly what I'm talking about and I'll tell you-I just didn't want to post it on the internet (not that I think anyone would actually get in trouble for it, but I am a bit paranoid I guess)

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