Friday, May 06, 2005

Hope the religious talk doesn't scare anyone away.

So I was trying to talk to God yesterday. It was National Prayer Day, and so I figured I'd take some time out to pray a little more than usual. I do fear that I might be neglecting my relationship with God a little bit.

There's a part of the Bible where someone asks Jesus what the greatest commandment is, and he responds with two principles-love God and love your neighbor. I've been trying to do the latter with my concern for people suffering from poverty and violence (esp. in Africa), but I fear that I might be doing so at the expense of the former. I don't think that these have to be exclusive, but I think that maybe in this case I might (unconsciously) be approaching the situation like doing more to care for others somehow fills up my quota of holiness or something and therefore don't feel I have to spend as much time in prayer, Bible reading, worship, etc.

Thinking about this however, I know tht I shouldn't approach it this way because, first, not communing with God will probably hurt my approaches to loving others (by missing out on where God is leading me, etc) and because, even if I could be just as effective in how I act toward others, I'm still missing the bigger picture of my relationship with God, which is the point of this whole Christianity.

If you are a praying person, drop a little one for me eh :)

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