Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I don't know a whole lot about my father's side of the family. I had to fill out some info about him for a medical form i filled out at the doctor's office yesterday. I don't even know how old he is-I wrote my best guest.

I do know how old my half brothers are (28, 38) but still have a lot of blanks with them too. We kinda got off to a late start. I think i met my father around 7th or 8th grade, and have for the most part kept sporadic contact. My brothers I think I met at 18 (my younger older brother, during the summer before college started) and 19 (my older older brother, winter break that year). They're both cool but our relationship is kinda strange. We have the whole brother thing going pretty well (I think they, especially my younger older brother, like having a baby brother) but without any of the history. As far as I know, they don't have any sisters (the previous post was strictly hypothetical-really) or other siblings. And I know bits and pieces about their histories from casual conversation, but haven't really sat them down and gotten all the basics from them. I'm not sure if that's really a big deal or not, but it's a little unusual I guess. I would like to know some more about them in order to relate better, and I feel like we haven't had enough time for them to get to know me really-I haven't quite gotten to the "completely being myself" level with them.

Most of what I know about my dad is from my mom I think, so my info might be a bit one sided (they didn't part on the best of terms i've gathered). I haven't really asked for his side of things (I'm not entirely sure I want to, as I don't necessarily want him to confirm everything my mom has said, and I'm not sure I'd buy it if he contradicted what she's told me instead). Not that I have any animosity against him (do I?), or that my mom wants me to (she's good about not trying to influence my opinion of him, and she likes my brothers) and he has been trying to do the father thing in recent years, within the confines of me already being an adult (did I just say that?-*shudder*) and all. Maybe his version of the whole estrangement thing does make sense. Maybe it doesn't matter now. Is this all weird or not?-I dont have another family to compare it to.

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