Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"To shave or not to shave, that is the question. whether 'tis nobler..."-ok, that might be a bit snoody (or snoody might not be a word), and I haven't even read that play.

So, should I go beard or no beard? I used to have one, as my college friends know. I started growing a beard around junior or senior year of high school I think. I was really happy about that bc otherwise I think I still look like a middle school kid. But around senior year of college I started shaving it off bc I thought it made me look old, and, I don't know, I guess now that I'm getting up there (23! already) I want to recapture my youth, and the beard was getting too full and making me look old, which wasn't a cool thing like it was in high school.

Plus, do women really like guys with beards? I mean, it seems like it would be uncomfortable. I mean, I know that sometimes when I haven't shaved in a while its uncomfortable for me, hard to sleep on even. On the other hand, a neat trim beard does make you look kind of cool. Right now I'm in a bit of a compromise-I try to stay clean shaven but I also get lazy and let it grow out sometimes before I get around to shaving again. I should probably choose a look and keep with it though.

Yes, you would think that I'd have something more important to think about, wouldn't you. But if anyone has suggestions about the bearded look let me know.


Autumn Storm said...

OK, there are no two ways about it...I would have to say, most women prefer clean shaven men. To each their own though, and if you like having a beard, then you should have one.
Forgive me, but when I was a little girl, I used to collect of my favourites was a heart shaped one with the words: Love is.....letting him grow a beard if he really wants to.

Autumn Storm said...

Funny pick up lines...I've heard some real crackers in my time. Do they ever really work?

Anonymous said...

i say shave
& keep it shaved MosT of the time