Monday, January 23, 2006

Could I be afraid of being in a relationship? (I'm not entirely sure why I'm posing that as a question as I already know that, to some extent at least, the answer is yes). I mean, a lot of me definitely wants to be in one. But as you may know, whenever the opportunity seems to arise, I do a lot of hesitating and second guessing and whatnot. Part of it is that its fun, for a while, to be in the early infatuation from a distance stage, where you can imagine your relationship in ideal form, without the complications that would arise from real life. But am I so afraid of going past that and facing reality that I sabotage or dismiss any relationship before its even begun? maybe...?

Day 12 of my "who reads this" poll(9** responses so far-I',, probably stop in a couple of days, so lets go out big)-please follow instructions below-i'd appreciate it ever so much:

I'm curious who actually reads this.

If you are reading this, please leave me a note to let me know you were here. You can include your name or not-whichever you prefer (though it would be cool to know who you are). This applies to both people i do and do not know. thanks.

(ps-if you don't want to leave note here, just send me an email if you know my email address)
(**my response count includes people who replied by email or IM as well as on the blog)

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