Friday, January 13, 2006

Delta found my bag! They called me at 10 last night to let me know that it had arrived (using the phrase "believe it or not"). It was supposed to get here around midnight, but I don't think it did and I fell asleep. But around 5am I woke up and checked and there it was in the doorway. It appears to still have my stuff in it, which is cool. God is good people. Yes He is.

Day 3 of my "who reads this" poll(3 responses so far!)-please follow instructions below-i'd appreciate it ever so much:

I'm curious who actually reads this.

If you are reading this, please leave me a note to let me know you were here. You can include your name or not-whichever you prefer (though it would be cool to know who you are). This applies to both people i do and do not know. thanks.

(ps-if you don't want to leave note here, just send me an email if you know my email address)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a reader! I actually responded to a post waay back (like Dec. 17th or something) but I think it was already after Christmas when I did so, so you may not have seen it. Oh, this is Beth (from Kamp), btw. You are not typing into a void, my friend.

P.S. Arr, matey.