Thursday, January 19, 2006

So Hillary Clinton made a remark to a black audience that the House of Representatives was run like a plantation, following it with "and you know what I'm talking about." Besides the fact that after hearing the quote, albeit without the full context, I didn't know what she was talking about (apparently it was a reference to the quashing of dissent by the Republican House leadership), it did sound like a bit of a cheap shot. While it isn't a full use of the so called race card, it seemed obvious that her choice of analogy was motivated by the audience, as she knew that the indirect slavery reference would get a strong reaction from the crowd. Even if she is married to America's first black president*, it still seemed like a little much

*(a title that has been bestowed upon Bill Clinton for his seeming familiarity/admiration of the black community and general cool demeanor)

Day 8 of my "who reads this" poll(8** responses so far-that rocks)-please follow instructions below-i'd appreciate it ever so much:

I'm curious who actually reads this.

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(**my response count includes people who replied by email or IM as well as on the blog)

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