Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So as a lot of you already know, I was into a certain young lady for a good period of the last school year. I thought we might be a good match. She was quirky (arguably more so than me, which is almost scary).And more importantly, she is an incredibly strong Christian, which was really attractive. Actually that was also one of the things that made me kind of nervous, as i didn't want to be a bad influence.
So i attempted to hang out and get to know her and eventually to indicate my feelings (kinda) but it just didn't work out. I don't know if she just wasn't interested but tried to let me down easy (as best she could) or if she just didn't realize I was interested (i tried to indicate it as strongly as I ever do, but that is still kind of subtle i guess). Either way it didn't work out. I feared I was becoming a bit bitter for a while (it felt like my intentions were being ignored, which may be worse than being rejected-I haven't decided yet), but I'm pretty much over it now i think. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, and she is still a great person (which is why i liked her in the first place). Oh well, whatever God intends, he'll bring about.

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