Wednesday, June 14, 2006

So it was recommended that i look at some online dating sites, which i did, mainly for run. I think most of them are not for me, thogh i did find an interesting one for Christian folk which was interesting, and there appeared to be some interesting people.

I'm still a bit skeptical about the enterprise though. I guess I'm just a bit distrustful of the prospect of trying to start anything with people that i don't really know and who could be misrepresenting themselves (though i'm not sure why they would, but still its a possibility). I think my ideal relationship is still to develop something with someone i've known for a while and consider a good friend (both because i'd be confident that i really know the person and because a large part of what i consider to be an ideal relationship is to have someone who was a really good friend, with the romantic stuff added on).

So i kind of doubt that anything more than browsing will come f rom the websites, but we'll see.

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