Friday, June 09, 2006

So one year of grad school is down and...well, it wasn't bad. I really liked my classmates; as usual the people were the best part of school for me. The GGGs (the Gorgeous Girls of Government, as i named them) were really cool, though we didnt all hang out as a group that much as the year went on. Maybe I will try to get us all together in the fall, though that would take effort and me organizing things, both of which rarely happen. JDawg is in DC this summer, so i'm glad I'll have her to hang out with here. I may visit/stay with CBear in Cambridge at some point (i have some loose ends to take care of there at some point). And (hmm, havent thought of a nickname for this person yet that she would find acceptable-you know who you are :)) and I will likely IM until the wee hours of the morning like we usually do (she's been an amazing friend by the way-who would have thought that I would find someone who was both so much like me and an attractive girl-go figure). So yeah, friends, cool.

next first year of grad school: academics (not quite as cool, but oh well)

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